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Keyboard ShortCut keys


1. Close the current window
- Ctrl+W
2. Update the current Web page

- Ctrl+P
4. Open the Open dialog box
- Ctrl+O
The same as Ctrl+L
5. Start another instance of the browser with the same web address
- Ctrl+N
6. Open the Favorites bar
- Ctrl+I
7. Open the History bar
- Ctrl+H
8. Start the Find Utility
- Ctrl+F
9. Open the Search bar
- Ctrl+E
11. Copy
- Ctrl+C
12. Cut
- Ctrl+X
13. Paste
- Ctrl+V
14. Undo
- Ctrl+Z
15. Delete
- Delete
16. Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
- Shift+Delete
17. Whle dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
18. While dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
- Ctrl+Shift
19. Rename the selected item

- F2
20. Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item
- F1


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